What are the walls that are entered by being drawn?


New Member
Do the walls drawn using the Wall menu next to the axis menu in reinforced concrete give load to the floors and beams?
Re: What is the use of the walls entered by drawing?
"sereze":148vf6hg" said:
Do the walls drawn using the Wall menu next to the axis menu in reinforced concrete give load to the floors and beams?
Press F1 help key in the program , type "wall" in the "Index_" section on the screen that opens. Right below, "double-click" the topic title. There is detailed information about the wall in this help menu. Take it easy.
Re: What is the use of the walls entered by drawing?
"sereze":1agwgkwz" said:
Do the walls drawn using the Wall menu next to the axis menu in reinforced concrete, give load to the floors and beams?
Yes, the drawn walls load the beams The load distribution and values of the walls entered on the beam are shown in the following example screenshots: The load distribution and values of the walls entered on the slab are shown in the following example screenshots: The wall object on the beam and the wall definition or giving the wall load in the beam adjustment is automatically detected by the program and participates in the analysis.
Hakan, first of all, thank you for your detailed answer. I also tried to find the screen in the screenshots, when I solve with semi-rigid diaphragm, I can see the loads on the slab, but when I solve for full rigid, when I click on the wall loads, the tile disappears. Do I have a chance to view that screen in a fully rigid solution?
Fully rigid diaphragm floors are not included in the analysis model because they are infinitely rigid elements. The effects of the wall entered on the slab are transferred from the slabs to the beams. Wall loads are shown in 3D in the data entry section. In the semi-diaphragm solution, the slabs, together with the entire structure, are contained in the analysis model. The walls on the floor are also included in the analysis model. Therefore, in order to see the wall loads on the slab in the 3D analysis model, you should make a solution with a semi-rigid diaphragm. You observe that the beam end forces change in all conditions for the walled/non-walled solution.