
New Member
What else can I do if it is not enough to increase the column and curtain dimensions in weak storey formation? The dimensions can also be increased to a certain extent...
Mr. derya, in fact, I think the answer to the problem you encountered lies within the question itself. In the definition of the weak floor, the ratio of the effective shearing area in a floor to the effective shearing area in a upper floor is less than 0.80... if you choose the dimensions of the vertical carriers of the floor on which floor and the floor above it are the same, you cannot get rid of the disorder. If your loads allow , I recommend you to increase the sections only in the floor marked as weak, when the increase in the area on this floor is proportional, the ratio that is smaller than 0.80 will increase. irregularity. In this case, only one parameter remains, "effective wall area"... We can achieve 0.80 ratio by defining a wall in our beams on the floor with weak floors. However, let's not forget that in the process we will do here, the walls only participate in the effective cutting area at a rate of 15%, and most importantly, there is the most important stage before introducing these walls to the beams, which is delicious... "bargain with the architect" :) (God help) the architect; you should tell him that there is a weak floor in his project and convince him that the solution is to draw a few walls on that floor or to remove a few of the walls on the upper floor ... if he insists on this, he will settle for columns and curtains like specter "in case I change it" ... even more to my mind nothing else is coming... of course, it would be useful to get the opinion of your friends in the forum on this issue... good work, respect...