Your alpha S value is less than 0.75, use R as 7. You have A1 irregularity in Y direction on all floors except the last floor. Since the placement of the curtains is not symmetrical, the building twists. Reduce the irregularity of A1 by enlarging the columns with maximum displacement in the Y direction in the Y direction or place the curtains symmetrically. P08 curtain on the ground floor does not provide the minimum thickness. Make it 30 cm wide. There are faulty columns in the column beam junction areas. If the ground floor of the building is a shop, B1 irregularity may also be present. The Get brick cross-sections the same as the top floor option is selected. Change it from floor parameters by canceling it and calculating it manually. Divide elevator and stairwells with beams. (I think) Stair loads are not entered. That's all for now. Good luck with