tie diameters and layers on curtains


New Member
Hello, For some reason, the diameters of the transverse reinforcement are high in the curtains. For example, fi20/15. But in this case, since the diameters of horizontal reinforcements with stirrups and crossties are considered the same in the program, crossties are given as 20 reinforcement bars. There is no such requirement in terms of calculation, and there is a problematic output in terms of implementation, because it is not possible to make a 20 size kite and have it done. In this case, it is necessary to select the cross tie diameters separately from the stirrup/horizontal reinforcement diameters. We request immediate resolution of this matter. Also, although it is one of the issues mentioned before, I would like to talk about one more issue since it is not a 100% solution. In the program drawings, not all elements are given on a separate layer, causing problems. For example, column line and column raster are on the same layer, whereas they are different drawing elements both by definition and by drawing. The presence of different drawing elements on the same layer in the editing of the drawing complicates the work and prevents parsing. For this reason, all different texts, drawings, poses, scans, etc. in the drawings produced by the program. We want each of the elements like, to be on different layers. In addition, when the blocks are exploded, the layers switch to the standard layer. When lines, texts and hatches explode, they should stay on their own layer. Thanks. Good work.
"dabanlio":3vonwptf" said:
Hi, the diameters of the transverse reinforcement are high for some reasons in the Shears, such as fi20/15. However, in this case, the crossbars are given as 20 gauge reinforcement since the diameters of the horizontal reinforcements and crossties are considered the same in the program There is no such requirement in terms of calculation, and there is a problematic outcome in terms of implementation, because it is not possible to make or have the cross tie size 20. In this case, it is necessary to choose the diameters of the crossties separately from the diameters of stirrups/horizontal reinforcement. We request an urgent solution to this issue. Also, although it is one of the issues mentioned before, I would like to talk about one more issue since it is not a 100% solution. It causes problems that all elements are not given in a separate layer in program drawings. For example, column line and column scan on the same layer, although these are different drawing elements both by definition and drawing.Having different drawing elements on the same layer when editing the drawing makes things difficult It strengthens and prevents separations. For this reason, all different texts, drawings, poses, scans, etc. in the drawings produced by the program. We want each of the elements like, to be on different layers. In addition, when the blocks are exploded, the layers switch to the standard layer. When lines, texts and hatches explode, they should stay on their own layer. Thanks. Good work.
Hello... 1. The basic sprout reinforcement item number is not given, it is shown as posed in the metering table... 2.Dimensions for the distance through which the raft tamel reinforcements are passed are not drawn... 3.The raft tamel additional reinforcements are not drawn in the reinforced concrete menu. we cannot interfere with the length measurement, the corrections take a lot of time... 4. The raft must be the additional reinforcement parameter (minimum reinforcement length) we must be able to specify ... We look forward to your attention to the specified issues and wish you good luck in your work...
"Bolvadinim" 1.Basic sprout reinforcement pose number is not given said:
Hello, In the vertical expansion of the column, the exposure number is given to the base shoots. In the application plan, these poses are also shown in the metering table. if you're talking about the situation, could you point out the problem on a small sample project?
Hello, Mr. Levant. The sprout reinforcement poses are given in the vertical expansions of the curtains you have shown. When we take the basic appl.plan drawing, the sprouts are not posed on the sheet. I have attached the screenshot of the figure I mentioned. Thank you for your attention..
Earthquake regulations say that the cross tie diameters must be the same as the stirrup diameter. - ...The diameter and spacing of special earthquake crossties will be the same as the diameter and spacing of the stirrups....
20' stirrups on your curtains, in fact, means that the curtains are cut It shows that it is very difficult. Could there be another problem with the system?
"Admin":1sih5hqg" said:
Earthquake code says that the diameters of the crossties must be the same as the diameter of the stirrups - ...The diameter and spacing of special earthquake crossties will be the same as the diameter and spacing of stirrups ....
The fact that there are 20 stirrups on your curtains shows that the curtains are very difficult in terms of cutting. Could there be another problem in the system?
The item you mentioned is related to the curtain end regions. There are also curtains that do not have a cross section. Essentially, we can not say anything about the transverse reinforcement and cross-ties in the end regions. With the increase in the diameter of the horizontal reinforcements in the walls other than the end region or without the end region, the high-diameter of the cross-ties is a problem. We do not have a problem in terms of load-bearing system design. It is not caused by bending under soil load.Thanks for your attention.
Article mentions the wall end regions, but article also states that "special earthquake crossties" will be added to the middle region.
Reinforcement nets on both sides of the curtain walls, except for the end zones, will be mutually connected with at least 4 special earthquake crossties per square meter of curtain face. As you stated, these conditions may not be complied with.