Yes. TBDY2008 penalizes buildings with hollow blocks. If you don't want the beams to sag, install a cassette. Ünver ÖZCAN"sara":2wel0iwo" said:Is it purely due to earthquake regulations
Hello TBDY 2018' Mixed ductile solution conditions have been aggravated in. In order to meet the condition TotalMdev>0.75Mo, you may need to add curtain groups to the carrier system and the solutions may not be economical. Note: There is no rigid diaphragm (floor) in the sub-basement floor. Therefore, it would be appropriate not to accept Rigid rigid in the Floor General Settings dialog. Good studies"sara":rkvns8yc" said:Hello, in my project, slab type ribbed slab is not recovering from the tipping condition, can you help? Is it completely caused by earthquake regulations or is there an error in data entry, thanks in advance for your help.