The project drawn in ide 8 does not open in ide7


New Member
hello, I just switched to ide8, I am the only one in the office, I am using ide8, the rest are using ide7 and they cannot open any project that I have drawn in ide8. Even though I said save it in the old version, we could not solve this problem and we cannot transfer projects between each other in the office, is there a solution for this?
If you are using steel elements, it is normal that it does not open. But if you don't use steel, the problem is about the sections. You have to delete the steel sections one by one in the sections section in the building tree. (even if you do not use any steel elements in your project, there may be sections from the template project or the previous project) When you delete them, V7 should be opened. If it still does not open, add a file and see what kind of problem there is.
Thank you for your help. There is no steel element in the project. As far as I know, 'structure tree' is available in ide statics. I don't know that there is such a command in ide architecture, we even examined the program a lot, but we couldn't find it.
Hello, Since you are not a Static user, the structure tree is not visible to you. If you call our Bursa office, we can help you regarding the issue. Good work