Hello there; ***You have defined 2 modal analyzes, but there is only one choice for ex and ey in the Design Spectra section, a confusion appears in the earthquake loads. I removed one in your model. You can reanalyze by changing the design spectrum in the analysis settings - ground section. However, it will not be easy to control the program in 2 modal analyzes at the same time. The case of removing the purlins from the analysis is valid for roof purlins and there is no problem with your roof purlins. There seems to be a problem in your facade purlins, the reason is the deflection problem. In version 8.62, we have a bug in the deflection control that has been mentioned in the forum before. This problem also appears in the sidewall purlins. Necessary work has been done for this problem, but unfortunately, there is no solution available in the current version. Note: In order to reduce the cross-section of the roof purlins, you can adjust the spacing from 120 cm to 1m in mattresses in accordance with the coverings. Some adjustments have been made to your model. You can compare if you wish, be sure to check the loads. Good work.