Table 4.1 -- Regarding A14


New Member
Good afternoon, let's have a rectangular structure with a regular form, bys=6, 6 curtains in the outer frame in this structure, and U curtains around the stairs and elevator in the very center, and these curtain groups should be connected with tie beams. We examined the bond degree according to Tbdy (whether idecad can do the calculation here, should we do it ourselves), we also examined the total overturning moments and it turned out Mo/Mdevr = 0.49. Let's say the tie beam conditions are met. In this case, would it be appropriate for us to choose the ductility level and R coefficient of the building A 14 or A15? As my own opinion, it would be correct to choose A15 - R=7 D=2.5 in both directions. In my own defense, there is a phrase like reinforced concrete shears with high ductility level in A14. In the building in question, there is a shear with tie beams, but in the building there are reinforced concrete walls with a ductility level without gaps. . Therefore, I think it is correct to choose A15. Another view argues that there is a gap curtain because it contains tie beams, then A 14. I wanted to know your opinion. Thanks.
What I understand from the question is: There are both void and non-gap shears with SD High columns in the X direction. How many R should be selected? A14? A15? Answer: A15 The maximum R=7 you can get in buildings with non-gap curtains... in a structure consisting of only hollow curtains, max. In a building with R=7... gapless curtains, we reward the building by getting R=8, which is against the main approach of the specification. Therefore, taking R=7 (A15) is correct. good work, best regards.
"ottomancagatay":ds7g89oo" said: There is a good article here, I recommend you to read it.
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