System cannot be resolved. Pivot error in matrix reduction


New Member
Good afternoon, I am having an analysis problem in my project which is in the design phase. I get a warning that says pivot error. I searched for the cause of the error but couldn't find any solution. Is it possible for you to look at the project I uploaded?
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Look at the geometry check, there is the problem of connecting to the column in the 2nd basement and 3rd basement at the same beams (K135 beam). There is also a problem with the continuity of the beam. There is a junction problem at the intersection with K104. When these problems are resolved, it analyzes. Note: Only the analysis problem has been examined and other issues have not been examined.
Hello Nedim, in addition to the suggestions of the brain -- There are 118 errors when the K135 beams are corrected and the calculation is made -- Fix the errors in the geometry control, --2. Give the 3rd and 3rd basements as rigid basements, --Increase the thickness of the loaded beams, --There are large openings in the formwork plan, I don't like the modeling, make another solution. (I recommend you to go with cassette), --Check the wall loads, --some column sizes need to be increased --Select the ductility level high, --Increase the number of dynamic modes, --You may need to add curtains, Make the arrangements, we'll look again later. Unver ÖZCAN
"Apokalips":ajpr5ll2" said:
Good afternoon, I'm having an analysis problem in my project that is under design. I get a warning that says pivot error. I searched for the cause of the error, but I couldn't find any solution. Is it possible for you to look at the project I uploaded?
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[/quote ] Hello, the message "Cannot resolve the system" is caused by the D07 slab in basement 2. The slab edges do not connect to the panel. (Try deleting the tile and re-defining it. ) Draw the slab edges to connect to the panel (or column) and create the slab again. Good work