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1-) How do we define the damaged column in the earthquake in idestatics? Is it sufficient to define only the joint to the beam ends here? If it is sufficient, what should be the partial stiffness spring values? How to define the joint to the upper column region? 2-) I get this warning when I want to perform performance analysis. what is the problem?
"ryildiz":1gqfngww" said:
1-)How do we define the column damaged in the earthquake in idestatic? Is it sufficient to define only the joint to the beam ends here? If it is sufficient, what should be the partial stiffness spring values? How to define the joint to the upper part of the column?
Hello , I understand that according to TDY 2007 article 7.1.5, the performance of buildings with damaged elements cannot be evaluated with the methods specified in the regulation.
I get this warning when I want to perform performance analysis. In the Analysis Settings/TDY options Tab, the Earthquake load determination method Mode combining method should be selected.
Hi, I understand that according to TDY 2007 clause 7.1.5, the performance of buildings with damaged elements cannot be evaluated by the methods specified in the regulation.
I guess I misunderstood, I'm sorry. This building is a single storey warehouse. Foundation system singular basis. Earthquake loads are carried by frames. There is no floor... And only one of the 20 columns in the building is articulated as shown in the picture. There is no problem with other columns. There are normal shear cracks in the beams. I will draw a reinforcement project for this structure. That's why I asked him how we could identify the damage to the colon. Namely item 7.1.6 Strengthening of damaged building and performance analysis of reinforced structure.
There is no possibility to identify damage to the columns. In addition, if there is no rigid diaphragm formation in the tank you mentioned, it would not be appropriate to perform a performance analysis in the program.
"ryildiz":193tu8cg" said:
I asked him how we can define the damage in the column.
First the mathematical equivalent of the damage in the column should be known, then it can be decided what kind of model to be built in the program.
"ryildiz":193tu8cg" said:
So item 7.1.6 Strengthening the damaged building and performance analysis of the reinforced structure.
According to 7.1.6, you need to strengthen the damaged elements first. You can perform performance analysis after powering it up. How to strengthen damaged columns is a separate issue. There is no possibility to define a joint in the column, but there is the possibility of sheathing... Assuming that the column will carry a vertical load after sheathing, not entering the column at all or reducing its inertia may be a solution. As for different strengthening techniques, perhaps our experienced colleagues can give their opinion on this issue.
"ryildiz":193tu8cg" said:
This building is a single storey warehouse. Its foundation system is a single foundation. Earthquake loads are carried by frames. No flooring...
Performance analysis can be applied to structures with rigid diaphragms in the program... Good work. ..
You cannot perform performance analysis of a non-rigid diaphragm structure with the program. Wrong results come out. The easiest way to evaluate such a structure is the steel roof etc. on it. to perform normal analysis (without rigid diaphragm) by giving the loads from the tops of the columns to join the earthquake mass The end result is to look at the capacity diagrams of the columns. If it does not exceed around 30-40% capacity, there is no problem. Or uploading under performance analysis conditions and performing performance analysis manually. The capacity of the damaged column can be reduced, but since the regulation cannot be used for damaged structures, in any case, it is necessary to jacket the damaged column first and then analyze it.
First of all, thanks for your answers. You can find the aforementioned structure in the appendix. A strengthening project will be prepared for this structure (used as a warehouse). If it is not possible to perform performance analysis with Idestatic because there is no flooring in the building, what are your solutions? If we define very low strength (C0-C1) flooring even though there is no flooring in the system, would we theoretically be wrong? Or how can we analyze the current state and/or strengthened state of the structure with IDESTATIC?