Hello, I am adding 2 examples of cascading basic situations. In example_stage1.ide6, RD1 raft is created first. In the region where the level is located, the floor space is settled with the command of the floor space. Then, in the same region, the area where the floor edge and the level are bounded is created. RD2 slab is created by giving an elevation of -100 cm in the raft slab settings. Panels in the zone where the step is located are entered. (Divide line is inactivated by intersections in the panel assistant toolbar while defining the panels.) In panel settings, panel level -100, upper level -300 cm is entered. In the static reinforced concrete tab, the -model as shell line- and -basement/panel that does not continue on all floors - lines are marked. In the Analysis Settings/Basic Tab - Superstructure interactive solution line - should be checked. In Example_step2.ide6, it is assumed that the step continues along the y-axis. Here, each level is created as a separate closed area with the edge of the raft flooring. The RD1 and RD5 tile is defined as 40 cm high, and the RD2 and RD4 tile is defined as 60 cm high. The RD3 slab is defined by giving a level of -100 cm in the tiling settings. P1 and P2 panels in the step zone are entered. In panel settings, panel level -100, upper level -300 cm is entered. In the static reinforced concrete tab, -model as shell- and -flooded/non-continuous panel-lines are marked. In the Analysis Settings/Basic Tab - Superstructure interactive solution line - should be checked.