Steel truss junction plates


New Member
Hello there. I defined a truss with a span of 22 m, but the junction plates at the nodal points are seen as 5cm*10cm at all node points. For manufacturing, I need to extract the plate dimensions according to the nodal points, but as I said, all plate dimensions are seen the same, so I am having difficulty. I would be very grateful if you could help me urgently.
Re: Steel truss joints Hello; First of all, you arranged the junctions within the scissors and their dimensions are different but they look the same in the metering report, or are you trying to get a quantity report by modeling all the plates in the same size. If you can send your project by explaining this detail, we can help you more efficiently and quickly. Good work.
Re: While analyzing steel truss joint plates, I did not make any adjustments with the dimensions of the truss plate, I thought that after the analysis, the plate dimensions would be automatically arranged according to the required weld length, but I guess it didn't work. what I want now are the dimensions of the junction plates of the nodal points. I would appreciate it if you could help me how to set this up.
Re: Steel truss joints Hello; If you send it to the support mail, you will be helped with a short explanation of your project.