steel design


New Member
hello, I want to make a design similar to the attached one in ide8, but I couldn't make the curved truss, how can I define an element? There is a problem of sitting on the artificial column below, I have to define it as a beam and make the connections one by one.
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Hello there; You have the chance to model any geometry you want by importing the wire frame model you will prepare in AutoCAD into IdeStatik, as in the attached example; Best regards..
It is in the attached file. How can I transfer the axle I want to import to the IDE? I have determined this wire frame model steel elements. Is it only during the import or after the steel elements are thrown?
Hello there; I am sending you a few sample projects. Although the training video is not for this kind of project, you can quickly model it with import via the dwg file, or you can create the model yourself using columns and beams. I simply created a model, you can also look at that model. If you do not want to model as scissors, you can give curvature from the beam menu if you model the upper sections using beams. The sample projects are from the older versions, there may be deterioration in the beam elevations after you enter and exit their features, you should examine them to give you an idea in modeling. You will not encounter these problems in version 8.103. If you have problems creating the model, we will try to help you again. We take your requests such as videos about this and similar structures related to modeling as a note. We thank you. Good work.
No matter what radius of curvature I enter in beams and columns, it is formed as a semicircle. All values different from beam or column 0 give the same model. I think there is a mistake about that, I think there is a mistake that needs to be corrected, because the truss is not formed as I want, I need to do manual modeling, thanks, the main problem is that I can't give the beam curvature there If there is no circle, I will enter it myself, without mixing the autocad, regardless of the radius of curvature, a beam is formed as in the attachment
Hello there; There are no existing problems with curvature. You must enter a radius. The radius you enter geometrically should match your beam span. If you enter impossible values, the program always creates the minimum radius that it can do. The attached image will help you. Good work.