Hello there; I reviewed your project. P007 Basement perimeter curtain on the 1st and 2nd basement floors is not fully connected to the end of the column. For this reason, a stapling control independent of the column was made. By using the advanced capture command, when you define the ends of the P007 curtains in the 1st and 2nd basement floors to the nodal points in a way that they will meet with the columns, stapling control will not be performed on this floor and your problem will be solved. The finite element widths of curtains and floors are as large as 2 m. Finite element widths should be large enough to give sufficient accuracy, as stated in TBDY. For this reason, if you make these finite element widths at values such as 20,40,50 cm, you can obtain more accurate internal forces in curtains and floors. In this case, the stapling controls at screen P006 will reach the expected values. However, due to the nature of the building, it may not provide stapling control in basement ground floor transitions. For this reason, your stapling problem will be solved when you pass a beam to the gap part of the relevant curtain. Best regards...