

New Member
What should I do to create the attached ladder. The staircase library has a staircase with a double arm landing, but how do I add two steps to the landing? OR how can I do it with route command. After creating the first branch, I can't create the second branch with two digits...Thanks...
"izmirli_35_35":2agdqrqe" said:
I am getting a bitness warning at the starting edge of the exit line...
Hello, delete the route object that you have drawn the exit line, you need to draw it by paying attention to the exit line direction. (You can catch the line when the closest point (F6) is active) If the problem persists, add your project.
Do not try to create the ladder type. You can select and edit from the three-armed stairs / landing / straight-armed section / ladder17 from the ready-made stairs. Good luck with.
"NYILMAZ":qha07at9" said:
Don't bother to create the ladder type. You can select and edit the three-armed ladders / landing / straight arm section/ ladder17 from the ready-made stairs.