New Member
1- During the placement of the perimeter curtains, which are only in the basement, is there a difference in attaching the curtains to the column nodal point or to the column surface, or which one should be done? 2- In raft foundations designed as slabs, there is a requirement to design a column head for the foundation and to write the thicknesses and analyze it so that this head remains inside the foundation. Regarding this issue, I saw that the 40 cm slab did not save the foundation, but by designing the column head, I saw that the foundation was saved. Isn't this a trick of the program at some point? Or does the program really need a design like this for the plate raft foundation? 3- Lastly, it is desired to design a raft foundation for a building with a building importance factor=1.4 floor=10 t/m² floor area of approximately 600 m² basement+floor+1+2. What would you recommend for thickness selection, would you recommend plate raft or beamed raft? Thank you...