Solution with basically different thickness of raft


New Member
Hello, Since there will be a parking lot in the basement of the attached project, I would like to reduce the thickness of the raft approximately 1 meter after the outermost columns. While the raft thickness is 55 cm in the carrier system of the building, I want it to be 35-40 cm towards the basement perimeter walls. However, I couldn't even save the 45 cm thickness. Is my modeling correct? Is it possible for you to review?
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"vecih":2v8pz858" said:
Hi, Since there will be a parking lot in the basement of the attached project, I would like to reduce the raft thickness approximately 1 meter after the outermost columns. When it is 55 cm, I want it to be 35-40 cm towards the basement perimeter curtains. But I could not even save the thickness of 45 cm. Is my modeling correct? Can you examine it?
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Hello, In your project, a minimum rise warning is given on the RD02 raft. The distance between the columns (Ln/30) is checked in the raft foundation thickness control. In cases where there are no columns in the raft, the raft opening is taken into account in the thickness control In cases where you foresee that the thickness is sufficient, you can intervene in the line of the reinforcement axles -clear opening for thickness control- with the "Edit Reinforced Concrete Calculation Axle" command Note: You can change the P13-P14 short curtains connected to the elevator curtains to "Short curtains". It would be appropriate to mark it as "title curtain". Good work
Levent, first of all, thank you for your valuable information. Once I changed the "clean span value" of the raft foundation, the issue was resolved. However, although I define the P13 and P14 frets as short head frets, both the lack of section and the max. I see that you have exceeded the price point. Unfortunately, increasing the curtain thickness and giving group names to all elevator curtains did not help. Could you please help?
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"vecih":5jdc578g" said:
Levent, first of all, thank you for the valuable information you provided. When I changed the "clear span value" of the raft foundation, the problem was solved. However, although I define P13 and P14 curtains as short head curtains, both the cross-sectional deficiency and max. I see that it exceeds the payload value. Unfortunately, it didn't help me to increase the curtain thickness and give all elevator curtains a group name. Could you please help?
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Hello, - In order to overcome the maximum pursantage problems on the curtains, the curtain sizes can be enlarged in general, the carrier system can be improved... -For the solution of the curtain shear force problems; If the shearing capacity of Vr and the design remain smaller than the shear force ( And <Vr olmalıdır) etriye donatı çapı artırılabilir, daha yüksek dayanımlı beton kullanılabilir vb.
Ve tasarım kesme kuvveti yönetmelik gereği kontrol edilmesi gereken Vmax değerini aşarsa perde boyutları büyütülebilir, daha yüksek dayanımlı beton kullanılabilir, taşıyıcı sistemde iyileştirme yapılabilir.

-Projede daha hassas hesap için kabukların (perde,döşeme,radye) sonlu eleman genişliklerini küçültün. Örneğin 25 cm. olarak düzenleyin. Bu durumda kısa başlık perdelerindeki maksimum pursantaj sorunu çözümlenmektedir. Kısa başlık perdelerinde kesme kuvveti sorunu etriye yetersizliğinden kaynaklanıyor.( Ve> Vr) In order to solve the problem, manually increase the diameter of the stirrups and decrease the spacing of the stirrups in the curtains that give the K warning in the Shear group reinforced concrete dialog. Good work
The problem was solved by assuming the last element width of 50 and increasing the stirrup diameters. Thank you so much.