Thank you very much for your answers, it was very detailed and explanatory. However, I found it appropriate to share my opinion with you based on your answers. Let me try to explain with an example. Let's be solving a system and our loading combination is five (COMB1, COMB2, COMB3, COMB4, COMB5). As you stated, the program will determine the largest qsp value among these five combinations for a column examined, for example, let the qsp obtained for COMB2 be the largest. Thus, the program will use the qsp and N1 values of the COMB2 installation. Here is what we know. The qsp of the COMB2 installation is the largest qsp value among all combinations. But is the N1 value of the COMB2 we will use the largest N1 value among all combinations? If we look at the formula on the subject in TS500; Referring to TS500 (TS500 page 35 figure 8-2); As long as stapling control is Vpd<=Vpr it's fine. Vpd=N1-Fa Fa=qsp(b+d)(h+d) So for a column we need to find the most unfavorable (largest) Vpd value to be used in our Vpd<=Vpr verification. Vpd is dependent on N1 and qsp variables except b, d and h values. According to the formula, large values of N1 move Vpd to large values, while large values of qsp move Vpd to small values (it enters the formula with a minus sign in front of it). So it seems more important that N1 is large and qsp is small to get the most unfavorable Vpd value. To simplify it further, the most unfavorable value of Vpd depends on the N1-qsp(b+d)(h+d) difference. In this case, what I want to ask is: If the qsp and N1 values of these five combinations are determined for a column examined, Vpd=N1-qsp(b+d)(h+d) values for each combination are calculated (with their own N1 and qsp values of that combination) and for each combination Wouldn't it be a more appropriate approach if the most unfavorable Vpd values obtained were used? Best wishes, Engin YÜCE