Soil Safety Stress Report Dump


New Member
Hello. When we increase the soil safety stress by 50% under earthquake loads, in version 8.504, the foundations are investigated by 1- without increasing the soil safety stress under vertical loads, 2- increasing the ground safety stress by 50% under earthquake loads, which is seen in the loading and combinations at the beginning of the report. However, when we increase the soil safety stress by 50%, we need to submit a report according to the investigation made in 2 ways, since the stresses under vertical loads are not seen when the stress parts of the foundations are looked at in the report, although they have made their investigations during the project controls. In order to eliminate this, if it is possible to write G+Q and whichever earthquake combination has the highest stress in the section with foundation stresses in the report, this will save us from the control problem. as an example: TK1 G+Q Zg: 15 tf/m² G+Q-Ey Zg: 19 tf/m² Good work.