slanted flooring


New Member
I can't draw the inclined concrete slab 8, which I can easily draw in idecad 7. Is it because it is a demo version or is there another method? I drew columns and beams with 3 columns 3 meters high and the other 3 columns 4 meters high, but I could not create a floor. can you help me?
Re: idecad 8(sevenversion) slanting After modeling the column, beam and slab as straight, you can make them curved with the "Tilt Objects" command in the tiling assistant toolbar. Good work
Re: ideCAD 8 (latest version) slant tiling I did what you said, but this time I couldn't get the elevation I wanted. has been useless. It would be nice if they update this in new versions.
Re: ideCAD 8 (latest version) slanting "Bevel objects command" automatically arranges element elevations according to the reference points you select. If you want, you can edit the element elevations as you wish from the object settings later.
Re: ideCAD 8 (latest version) sloping slab In the industrial structure I have made, there are elevation differences between the two directions in slanted slabs, although they are equal.
Re: ideCAD 8 (latest version) sloping slab
"yalcindemirkan":3kwkpabm" said:
in the industrial structure I have made, there are elevation differences between the two directions although they are equal in the sloping slabs.
Hello, Slabs While giving the slope, the starting and ending points of the reference line may not be given so that the slope is the same. In the attached project, the slopes are arranged to be the same in both directions. Good work