New Member
Greetings, while working on a project for three or four days, no matter what I do, I constantly encounter the same problems. 1-Lovers do not always save or a few do not. 2-The warning of delicacy that we constantly see in the sub-heading of the scissors, we tied it from the bottom, it wasn't enough, it wasn't enough again, you see, the lovers who saved did not save again. I give sections that I will not make the lovers just so that they can solve it. 3-We define purlin for the façade, but if the outer columns and the wind columns are not aligned, the space remains empty and there is hesitation as to whether it provides a solution or not. 4- One thing I noticed in İdecad is that idecad solves column sections very economically, I compare them with different programs. Your suggestions on what we should pay attention to about the displacement of the column or the column. (Maybe I am understanding something wrong) 5-When we copy a secondary beam that you have combined, it does not copy together with the joint every time. It is necessary to re-join. You say what I did in a big project. 6-Are there any innovations for steel in the new version, excluding earthquake regulations? Regards... Good Work...