Hello, We have just started using idecad architecture and idecad static in our office. We want to create both architectural and static projects by continuing the structure modeled on idecad architecture over idecad static. I will do the static modeling of the building that the architect friends made the preliminary model architecturally. I got the relevant model file from architect friends. I started static. But my architect friends want to advance their projects by working on architecture while I work on statics. Is this possible in Idecad? If not, how can we find a solution? Because while I work and save statically on the model I got from them, they will work and record the architecture on the model they have. In this case, two different copies of the same file will be created. In this case, neither what is done in architecture will be reflected on me, nor what I do in statics will be reflected on architecture. this is what comes to my mind. After working in statics, I have to export all the static elements and then open and import the latest architectural model that my architect friends are working on. for this, can I solve the problem by selecting static objects, export to file, import from file? If I do this, will the model be broken? Or is it healthy? (If I export from file to file, it only exports the current floor to the file. Then should I export to a file for all floors and import all floors one by one in the same way? Or is there a way I can do this for all floors at once? and exporting as ifc and importing ifc in the latest updated file of the architects. In this case, can I perform healthy operations without breaking the model?