Simultaneous work of Architect and Engineer with ideCAD

Hello, We have just started using idecad architecture and idecad static in our office. We want to create both architectural and static projects by continuing the structure modeled on idecad architecture over idecad static. I will do the static modeling of the building that the architect friends made the preliminary model architecturally. I got the relevant model file from architect friends. I started static. But my architect friends want to advance their projects by working on architecture while I work on statics. Is this possible in Idecad? If not, how can we find a solution? Because while I work and save statically on the model I got from them, they will work and record the architecture on the model they have. In this case, two different copies of the same file will be created. In this case, neither what is done in architecture will be reflected on me, nor what I do in statics will be reflected on architecture. this is what comes to my mind. After working in statics, I have to export all the static elements and then open and import the latest architectural model that my architect friends are working on. for this, can I solve the problem by selecting static objects, export to file, import from file? If I do this, will the model be broken? Or is it healthy? (If I export from file to file, it only exports the current floor to the file. Then should I export to a file for all floors and import all floors one by one in the same way? Or is there a way I can do this for all floors at once? and exporting as ifc and importing ifc in the latest updated file of the architects. In this case, can I perform healthy operations without breaking the model?
Re: Simultaneous work with ideCAD Try this as you say. But we are making plans on different scenarios within the scope of BIM. If you add your concrete project, friends will give suggestions. In terms of structural modeling, the engineer can take some decisions and send it to the architect as a static model. The export ide data made as IFC may be more unqualified than the sharing made as the data. If both the architect and the engineer are using IDE, it wouldn't make sense to share files as IFC. If there is both architectural and static in the same office, it may be appropriate for the engineer to model the carriers with the architectural program.
Hello, In order to advance the project process as you mentioned, it will be necessary to exchange data between the architectural and engineer team many times. You can exchange data with blocks using the Copy to File/Paste from File commands. Since the Copy to File/Paste from File commands work on a floor basis, you must do this separately for each floor. Location of Copy to File/Paste from File commands: You can follow a process as follows.
  • 1. The architect gives the draft project that does not contain the carrier system to the engineer and the architect continues to work on the project. 2. The engineer opens the project from the architect in ideCAD Statik and designs the carrier system. When the design is finished, it gives the project file to the architect. 3. Opening the project from the architect in ideCAD Architecture, the architect takes the carrier system into the architectural project he is working on with the Copy to File/Paste from File commands and places it in the architectural project.
Removing the carrier system from the static project with copy to file: Importing the carrier system into the architectural project with paste from the file: Placing the carrier system in the architectural project: The location of the carrier system in the architectural project: You can exchange data without any problems until this stage. If you want to continue data exchange after this stage, you can follow the steps below.
  • 4. After the architect makes the desired changes on the project, he gives the project file to the engineer. 5. The engineer first deletes the objects outside the carrier system in his project. Then, he opens the project from the architect in ideCAD Static, takes the architectural objects into the static project he is working on with the Copy to File / Paste from File commands and places them. 6. After the engineer has done the necessary work on the project, he gives the project file to the architect. 7. The architect first deletes the carrier system in his project. Then, by opening the project from the engineer in ideCAD Architecture, he takes the carrier system objects into the architectural project he is working on with the Copy to File/Paste from File commands and places them in the architectural project.
The process can be continued by repeating the process steps according to the project and the decisions taken. The last steps are statically not a problem for the engineer, but there will be situations where you need to overhaul the architecture. I wish you good work.
Thank you very much for your answers. I switched from a different static calculator program to the ide. While I was transitioning myself, I introduced my architect friends to the idecad family. First of all, I will write in detail how satisfied I am with this decision and the reasons later in the forum. For now, we are happy to work with corporate and business people like you who value their customers, and I would like to emphasize this in particular. If we go back to the subject; As in Revit, the workflow logic (the logic of simultaneous working of different disciplines on the same file over the cloud) suits the idea very well. In the future, as Mr. Ismail mentioned, I think that different BİM scenarios will be tried and the issue will be resolved. We wish you convenience in this difficult process, and we will be looking forward to those days. It is a real pleasure for us to practice our profession with the power of a team like you. I wish you good work. Ins. Eng. Sent from my Emrah GÖKDEMİR MI 9 using Tapatalk
As in Revit, the workflow logic (the logic of simultaneous working of different disciplines on the same file over the cloud) suits the idea very well. In the future, as Mr. Ismail mentioned, I think that different BIM scenarios will be tried and the issue will be resolved.
Thank you for your praise. We are already working hard on this issue you mentioned. Performing this process over the cloud will be the second step. In the first stage, we will perform the integration between ideCAD Architectural and ideCAD Static with all Architectural programs that support the IFC format. Likewise, both Static and Architectural modules will be integrated with other static programs that support the IFC format.
It can be worked with the logic in the video I added about synchronous (synchronous) working. The video in question shows the Worksharing logic in revit. By creating the different disciplinary operations in the worksets of the disciplines in question, synchronization is provided with the central model (main model) over the cloud. In addition, different disciplines can instantly observe the operations performed on each other's worksets, and when it tries to interfere with elements that do not belong to its own discipline, the program notifies the user that this situation is not allowed. He states that if he wants to do this, he must ask permission from the relevant discipline. If permission is requested, the user who is the owner of the relevant discipline is instantly notified of the request for permission and on which element the relevant permission is requested for a change. If allowed, the other discipline can interfere with the member who is not in his discipline. If it is not allowed, it cannot intervene. If this logic can be applied, the unauthorized intervention of the architects on the structural system by the static discipline will be prevented, and the unauthorized intervention of the engineers on the architectural elements will be prevented. In this way, each discipline will instantly observe all the changes made, and will not be able to change or disrupt the elements of different disciplines unless allowed. The video I'm talking about is below;
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