I've written before, while I'm on the subject, I'll share it here. Soil Structure Interaction (ZYE) Soil Structure Interaction (SSI) in the literature and Superstructure interactive solution in IdeStatik; Although there are tens of parameters and results that it affects, our NEW REGULATION CANNOT BE NEGLECTED for superficial foundations, considering only the decrease in earthquake load due to the increase effect of the building period. When I saw this substance in draft form, my blood jumped to my brain. Unfortunately, I don't know what reason it serves in the final regulation, they put this article. The title of my doctoral thesis is "RESEARCHING THE EFFECT OF FLOOR PARAMETERS ON THE ANALYSIS RESULTS OF MULTI-STOREY BUILDINGS" and I have an article published on this subject. Soil structure interactive solution It should have been mandatory especially in ZC-ZD-ZE floor groups. Although the regulation says it can be neglected, it is a method that should be especially preferred.