Hello there; Considering the height of your building and the facades, it is normal for the program to slow down a bit, and you can see 3000 steel elements belonging to the scaffolding in your project. Looking at your modeling, the scaffold macros seem to have exploded. Therefore, the amount of slowness may have increased. Follow the scaffolding tutorial at the link
. The solution for reducing the slowness is as follows: - Since your structure is symmetrical, you can complete the scaffolding modeling, analysis and design on only 2 facades and get a report. Model scaffolding around the entire structure for drawings. Supervisory organizations require isometric scaffolding drawing around the entire structure, but considering that you will not be constructing scaffolding on all facades at the same time and determining a separate section for each facade, it will be sufficient to design on the critical facade. This also allows you to save time in the program. I edited your scaffolding model, there does not appear to be any inadequacy, although I prefer very small sections from the sections you modeled, you still have the chance to reduce sections. When interfering with the piers, select each pier one by one and take action. If you select all of them, the program may slow down again.
Good work.