Hello, It would be appropriate to model your P73-P74_P75 curtains as a curtain group in your project. For your beams whose shear force exceeds the limit, you can choose larger stirrup diameters, enlarge the beam section, and change the system to reduce the shearing force on the beams. -The problem of KAS(-) shearing in the curtains is caused by the insufficiency of the section or the insufficiency of the horizontal reinforcement (stirrup). Detailed information is given in the "TBDY 2018 item 7.6.7, Equation 7.18" Curtain Cut Safety Report. If *And>Vr, there is a lack of horizontal body reinforcement (stirrup). The problem can be solved by choosing larger reinforcement diameters. (In the attached project, the problem is solved by choosing the problem of curtains, insufficient stirrup and choosing heavier stirrup diameters.) If *And>0.85*Ac*Fcd; limit values are exceeded. Curtain width/length can be enlarged. (Increasing the size of the curtain wall, especially the length of the curtain wall, will increase the stiffness of the curtain wall and the shear force of the curtain. It may not always be a solution.), higher strength concrete can be used, arrangements can be made in the carrier system to reduce the shear force on the curtain, etc. (New shear walls can be added to the system, the dimensions of other carrier elements can be increased, etc.) -The problem of Axial load (Nmax) on beams is that the condition specified in TBDY 2018 article cannot be met. In the section of the beam report "Beams that do not meet the Nd<=0.1AcFck condition", beam axial load and limit values are given. For the solution of beam axial load problems; *Beam width/height can be increased. (Increasing the beam dimensions, especially the beam height, will increase the beam stiffness, thus the incoming effect. It may not always be a solution.) *Higher strength concrete can be used. * Arrangements can be made in the carrier system to reduce the axial load value on the beam. *Beams can be dimensioned and equipped as columns according to TBDY 2018 article 7.3. (Dimensioning and reinforcement of beams as columns is not done automatically in the program. It is under the control of the user.) Also, if you use the "Use rigid diaphragm for vertical loads" option in the Analysis Settings / General Settings tab, it may help to solve your problem. Good work.