Report Error


New Member
Have a nice day. When trying to get a report, I set the file extension as .pdf after saying "save as". When I save, I get the following error.
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Then ideCAD stays open but "iderpt.exe has stopped working" The message box opens. What do you think could be the problem and how can it be fixed? Because I can't get a report.
"brkayacan":1cgavabi" said:
Good afternoon. When trying to get a report, after saying "save as", I set the file extension to .pdf. When I save, I get the following error. Then ideCAD remains open, but the message box "iderpt.exe has stopped working" Opening. You can try by choosing another font in. If the problem is solved, you need to check the verdana bold font in the Windows/font folder.
"HakanŞahin":1j79t8fz" said:
"brkayacan":1j79t8fz" said:
Good afternoon. When trying to get a report, I set the file extension as .pdf after saying "save as". When I save, I get the following error. After that, ideCAD stays open, but the message box "iderpt.exe has stopped working" pops up. What do you think could be the problem and how can it be fixed? Because I can't get a report.
Hello, the report uses verdana font. The program cannot find or use the font given in the message. First of all, if you add a sample report, we will see if we have the problem. Secondly, you can experiment by choosing another font from within the report program. If the problem is solved, you need to check the verdana bold font in the Windows/font folder.
I tried other fonts and it still did not report. In the Windows font folder, there are files of all the fonts I tried. Also, when I send the same project files to another friend, that friend can receive the report of the project. Let me send you the following project as an example.
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"brkayacan":21w1792j" said:
Let me send you the following project as an example:
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Hello, I was able to create a report (selective report) and a pdf in the sample project you sent without any problems. The problem seems to be a problem on your computer. , you need to copy the verdana font (bold) from another computer with the same version of windows and copy it to your own computer.But before copying, move the existing verdana font to another folder, make sure it overwrites it.
"HakanŞahin":33xob4hu" said:
"brkayacan":33xob4hu" said:
Let me send you the following project as an example.
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Hello, In the sample project you sent, I was able to create a report (optional report) and create a pdf without encountering any problems. The problem seems to be a problem with your computer. What comes to my mind as a solution is to take the verdana font (bold) from another computer with the same version of windows and copy it to your own computer. But before copying, move the existing verdana font to another folder, make sure it overwrites it.
Thank you very much for your answers, Mr. Hakan, I will try your suggestion, but I think the problem is not with the font itself. Because if the problem is in the font; When I get the drawings in the drawing tab, I wouldn't be able to select many fonts including Verdana and get the drawing that way. The problem is in the reporting part. If there are other solutions you can suggest, I will definitely try.