Reinforcement Is Not Drawn in Console Cassette and Ribs


New Member
In the project I have attached, there is no longitudinal reinforcement drawing for ribs or consoles of cassettes. Could I have a mistake in the design?
Hello Mr. Isa, -The teeth of the D01-02-10-11 floors on the ground floor, in the X-axis direction, are not connected to the main beams. Therefore, the reinforcements are not drawn. Enter data so that no transverse teeth are formed on the relevant floors. -For D05 and D07 tiles to be continuous with the tiles on the right, define them with the "Convert to Cassette" command so that no transverse threads are formed. Good work
Hello In addition -- In the attic, cantilever beams come out of the columns S01-S02-S03 and S09-S10-S11, support the rib floors, --You can hang the beams outside the building, --Increase the width of the interior beams a little 30 cm, --In the place where the ladder is supported on the floor put a beam, -- If you are not going to use the attic, do not take the stairs, reduce the floor loads, -- adjust the console so that the side edges of the balconies are ribbed so that the edges do not remain idle. Unver ÖZCAN