Regarding Performance Analysis


New Member
Hello.. I wanted to consult you about an issue I was stuck on through the image.. There is a place where I will perform a Performance Analysis.. For example, in this image, the columns S01 and S03 have been strengthened before, and I am asked to strengthen the column S02. (upon request) - While I am doing this performance analysis, S01 Assuming that the and SO3 columns have not been strengthened before, should I analyze the SO2 column in addition to this? - What are the dimensions of the S01 and S03 columns after they have been strengthened (for example, 20 cm was reinforced in addition to 30 cm), should I enter the final form (ie enter 50 cm) and only strengthen the S02 column?
Hello, If you have the chance to collect information on the spot, determine the concrete compressive strength and reinforcement type placements of these previously reinforced elements. Try to obtain these documents using whatever document information they applied. You will probably be reading or stripping core and reinforcement from non-reinforced columns. Based on this information, define the reinforcement and concrete materials of the reinforced element main sections. In this way, you can make a performance analysis and evaluate the situations. Afterwards, you can make a performance analysis and evaluate the conditions. According to the needs, it can be tried to achieve performance targets by strengthening with mantle fiber or steel construction.
Curtains should be defined as reinforcement curtains. In the columns, sheathing should be done. While taking the wall and column drawings, the "Draw reinforcement reinforcements" option should be selected. One of the Strengthening options should be selected when getting the colon application plan.