Hello there; Changing the amount of reinforcement does not cause any elastic deformation changes in the structure. Increasing the amount of reinforcement increases the strength of the element. If you want to reduce the beam deformation, you need to increase the height of the beam. In addition, the deflection values are also controlled in the program. To see if the deflection control is sufficient, open the right-click menu on the 3D screen and click on the "analysis system display options" command. Go to the "reinforced concrete design" tab from the window that opens and select the "exceeding the deflection limit" option from the result section. In this case, the elements that do not exceed the deflection limit will appear on the screen in green, the elements that exceed the deflection limit will appear in red, and the elements without deflection control (such as a column) will appear in gray. At the same time, you can see the deflection control when you get the beam report and examine the "beam deflection and crack control" heading. Best regards...