Raft foundation and hoistway failure

Burak Aydın

New Member
Hello, sorry the title is a bit short, my problem is that I am solving a building with 2 blocks, the relevant administration basically wants an elevator shaft (I don't have a problem so far), I have 2 different elevators in each block, but for these shafts, the curtains around the existing elevator are under the foundation -160 It wants it to start from the ground level, at the same time, whatever foundation type I use (100 cm raft), it also wants the same foundation for the floor of these elevator shafts. In the first block, I solved it by raising the curtains around the elevator shafts and opening a gap in the foundation, laying the raft again in the space I opened - adding jeans, I did not have any problems, but when I do the same for block b, there is no problem when I do it for the first elevator shaft, but 2. When I do it in the elevator shaft, the raft basically drops to my minimum ground tension and I get a shear force error on the curtains, I could not solve this problem. I would appreciate your help, respectfully (I am using idecad version 8.5), because the file size is large, I put a link
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Mr. Hakan, unfortunately, the relevant administration does not want it separately, he does the project review via ide and insists that these curtains and the foundation be at the base of the elevator shaft.