R coefficient


New Member
hello, I think that my R coefficient can be taken less than 7 in my high ductile project. Because after providing column-beam shear safety and strong column controls, the structure will behave highly ductile. In this case, if I take my R coefficient as 5 or 4, I will only have applied more earthquake force to the building and I would have obtained a building with a higher safety factor. In this case, shouldn't small equals be put in the representation of the values that the R coefficient in the highly ductile solution in the graph can take?
As in the table above, the limit value of R coefficient selection is specified as 6.54, for the values below (10-4a), for example, you have taken 1, as you said, quite large inertia forces will act on your system, the system will not behave ductile anyway. . I think that for the curtain system only, examining the right side will answer your question
If you look at the relevant article of the regulation, at the end it says: ".... the value will be determined by the R=10-4 alphaS relation.". ".... The value or a value less than this value will be obtained by the value R=10-4 alphaS relation." It doesn't say .