There is a lot to be said about this project. You have problems in terms of both data entry and engineering logic. * There is an error in the connection of beams K72, 68, 37 on the ground floor. There is the same error on the lower floor. For example, K72 in Bodrum is not connected to 64 columns. Since there are slab edges in this region, there are joint errors. * A piece of beam remained under the S22 column. * Check the geometry and take into account the errors there. * You made the K53, 54 beams 30/30 and pressed the ribs to these beams. Moreover, the console is not continuous with the beam. This is a very wrong choice. I've tried to express it many times on this forum. I don't understand both the 1st degree earthquake zone and the 30cm thick beams. I will never stop saying this. * Change the direction of the K54 beam with the command beam/base direction. * Some columns on the M axis are not fully seated at the axis intersection. (that's why you couldn't connect the beam to the column. It's stuck in the gap) * Your K40, 41 beams don't center the columns. * You gave the carrier system behavior coefficient 7. There are two curtains in the middle. This curtain has nothing to do with the carrier system. You kind of cheated the program and went around behind the regulation. (ideal love to the building. ) We often encounter the habit of designing curtains these days, which is of no use to this type of system. Curtains are installed around the elevator, where the short side of the beam is connected and the long side is idle. Pity the curtain. * you gave the upper rigid basement floor number -1 but -1. the floor is not perfectly rigid. If it is necessary to give -1, only -1 can be given in the y direction, it should be -2 in the x direction. * I recommend checking the beam wall loads. * Check also the slab loads. You should increase the load of the floors bearing walls by 150 kg/m2. * The issue of stairs is a deficiency in itself. You will either add the load or place a ladder and use the solution option together with the structure. * When making ribbed flooring, you should pay attention to the chimney and air chimneys.
Sir, first of all, thank you for the cwp... I did not dwell on it too much for importing the architecture. I aryrdm bi cwp in the direction of the lack of excess and excess aspects