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Hello, we encountered the following problems while making a project with ideCAD Static 6.53. 1) As you can see in the attached project file, we have problems defining the flooring piece to which the ladder will be attached. After adding the columns and beams to the project, we also added the ladder as you can see. In order to define the 3 side recessed and 1 side free-floor slabs that will remain in the south of the staircase, we drew the floor edge from beam to beam with the "floor edge" command. However, when we wanted to add a tile, a strangely shaped tile appeared as you can see in the appendix. To solve this situation, we also tried to draw the slab edge between the beam axes (starting inside the beams), but the result is the same. There was a similar problem before and it was solved by deleting and redrawing the relevant columns/beams and slabs. But this time it didn't work. What should we do in order to enter the tile I mentioned correctly into the program? 2) We want one of the arms of the spiral staircase without landing in the project to be of different length. Is there an easy way to do this? I look forward to your expert opinions on these matters. Best regards. Görkem DEMİRCİOĞLU Civil Engineer Nicosia - KKTC Note: When we change the size of the program window while working, the capture toolbar disappears from time to time. To find it, it is necessary to close and reopen the toolbar from the right-click menu. For your information.