Please help with the mold plan.


New Member
Due to the geometric irregularity in the basement +2 storey building in the picture, I should do my modeling in two blocks with a 3 cm earthquake joint (formwork plan on the left), or is it appropriate to do the same as the one on the right, since it is a 2-storey building? I am waiting for a reply from experienced friends, please.
hello, if it does not separate with the joint, there is an obvious A3 irregularity. The earthquake zone is more important than the fact that it is 2 floors. TDY 2007 Stress concentration will occur in the region where the K10 Beam is located. examine the results with semi-rigid solution but I would use dilatation in this building good work
Dilatated from the foundation to the roof, the solution is gıdılıcek, if you have any problems with the formwork plan, please specify.