Pivot error in matrix reduction

Hello. My suggestion is to delete (re-enter) the slabs around the 1st floor and 2nd floor K22 beam analysis. Unver ÖZCAN
First of all, thank you Mr. Unver, I haven't tried it yet, I will try it now, but the most important thing is why does this problem occur, so what kind of process should I follow to avoid encountering it again? How did you find the error? Node coordinates: X : 7.16 Y : 23.68 Z : -2.10 was he saying from there? Do you also encounter such errors?
I deleted the floors around the 1st floor and 2nd floor K22 beams, I re-entered it, it did not analyze, I deleted K22 on each floor, I analyzed it without re-entering. Now I will re-enter those beams
Hello. If you write Pivot from the SEARCH (Above right) in the Forum, you can find the answers to this problem. Unver ÖZCAN
I went downstairs by making the beams from the upper floor, I made an analysis after each floor to be sure, but the problem is on the 2nd basement floor, the arrow appears in the coordinates, but how do I solve it, I have already deleted and re-entered?
By the way, I will make a suggestion. Of course, it is very nice to show the error with an arrow. But we are analyzing to see the error at each step, this takes about 2 minutes, if there is an error, what if the process that can find the error is taken forward from the other stages? By the way, the error is clearly in the big slab connected to the K22 beam, I analyze at every step, I create that slab, I do the analysis, there is no error, but when I convert it to rib, there is an error, how can I solve it, I do not have a geometry error
It was a problem when I turned the big slab connected to the K22 beam into ribs, I guess, the rib near the connection point where the smallest of the parallel ribs coincided was causing a problem, I don't know what kind of a problem anymore. I changed the reference beam, did the analysis. Was the user now entering the wrong data? Or does idecad need to revise some of its assumptions in the background?
"mkrts88":27mimirz" said:
can't find the error ... although the red arrow also shows
Hello, "The system cannot be resolved" warning is due to the incomplete formation of the rib tooth of the D23 hollow floor slab in the 2nd and 3rd basement floors. the problem will be solved if the width is edited as 30 cm. Good work