We have a place with a ground safety of 9 t/m2, so we will make a piled raft. We have 2 options. The first is to solve the raft by not carrying any load on the foundation and only by carrying it to the piles, and the second is to give less load to the piles by carrying the raft. If I choose the 1st method, I solve the system by making enough piles, but my build period is at 1.3 levels. The building has 8 floors as b+z+5.normal+roof. Isn't this period too much? If I choose the 2nd method, my build period comes to 0.95, this is the levels I want, but this time the raft floor safety does not save. There's no way I can recover this either. Ampatage, thickness etc. does not give results. My question is that although we solve the structure in a way that only carries the piles, it will actually receive loads at the radial basis, so the 1.3 sec period given by the program will not actually happen. Is this so, is my interpretation correct? And what are your suggestions? Thank you.