Friends, Some administrations want to assure themselves in this regard. This is because in case of any project incompatibility or conflict during the construction of the building, the structure is checked according to section 15 when a court or expert is consulted. There has been a lot of conflict. Although the regulation states that the design made according to the 4th chapter provides the DD2-DGT-KH performance, checking with the SGDT allows to be prepared for such situations. Under normal conditions, the design made according to the 4th chapter provides the 15th chapter of the SGDT If it does not, interventions should be made in advance to make it possible (I am not saying this according to any regulation article, I am saying it based on the general regulation principle). Of course, while performing performance analysis according to SGDT, it is necessary to check that the structure meets the linear performance analysis criteria. Idecad does this control. Linear analysis critique should not be overlooked. If it doesn't provide, making it available makes analysis and control easier. Otherwise, it is necessary to go for non-linear performance analysis, which prolongs the work. If your curtain horizontals do not provide SGDT, I suggest you to intervene to do so.