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Hello, I am conducting a study related to my master's thesis in Idecad 6.0053. There are 3-storey framed structure and 3-storey framed structure , which have the same architecture and have the same ground, earthquake and material characteristics. There is a contradiction in performance analysis. The performance of the curtained and framed structure is lower (even very low). (Is this a problem related to the definition of brittle materials?) Related .ide files and the ones I can think of are attached as .pdf. Thank you in advance for your help. I would appreciate if you show alternative documents, links, and helpful resources about IdeCAD performance analysis and pushover feature that is not available in 6.0055.
Hello, 'Reinforcement corrosion multiplier' is 0 (zero) and 'Insufficient Clamp length yield stress multiplier' is 0.4 in your Curtain Framed system. When these coefficients are set to 1, the performance level of the Curtain-Frame System is "Immediate Use". Good work
WHY IS THE DEMO INSTALLATION REQUIRED TO OPEN THE PROJECT DONE IN THE DEMO? Authorized; We downloaded d4cad's additional file named NewFolder.rar. When we wanted to examine the projects, we got a message that we should use the demo version to open the project because it was done in demo version. Why can't we, licensed users, be able to open ide files, even if they are made in the demo program?
Dear canlarins, As you know, there are no restrictions between the demo version and the licensed program, other than sending a printout to the printer. If we allow the operation you wrote in our licensed program, we will have the demo as licensed program. Thanks, good work...
DEMO PROJECT PROBLEM To open a demo user's project, it is necessary to install a demo. But for licensed users, this is a nuisance. If we mark a place as a demo in the code of the demo project file. Wherever it is opened, the output option is locked as it is marked as demo. Thus, the file is read-only. Of course, doing this is also hard work because you have a file code design tradition that has survived to this day. We say it's easy.
Hello again. I am about to finish my master thesis. I need to give details about the ideCAD 6.01 program. To put it briefly; 1- A simple algorithm and IdeCAD working principle that shows the general analysis steps. What kind of analysis is done? How is the flow of the method? 2- How is the Equivalent Seismic Load method algorithm in performance determination? Thank you.
Hello, You can find information about the calculation principles of the program in the "Theoretical Section" in the help menu of the program (F1). In particular, you can find answers to your questions under the title of "Solution of Rod Systems", "Information about the ideCAD Static Program" and "Carrier System Information Entries". The theoretical part is explained for 5 versions, but it remains valid for 6. 2. Equivalent earthquake load method in performance analysis determines that building floor forces will be calculated according to equivalent earthquake load method in performance analysis. The story forces calculation according to the equivalent earthquake load method is as explained in Article 2.7 and sub-clauses of the 2007 TDY. It is also explained under the heading "Calculation of earthquake loads" in the help menu of the program. Good luck with...
Thank you. Finally, I will need some abbreviations and methodologies for Dynamic Analysis results. 1* Natural masses in degrees of freedom. Ux, Uy, Uz (t) and Rx, Ry, Rz (tm^2) 2* Modal Participation Carpans Ux, Uy, Uz (tfs^2) and Rx, Ry, Rz (tfms^2) 3* Modal Masses. Ux, Uy, Uz (t) and Rx, Ry, Rz (tm^2) 4* Modal Mass Participation Rates Ux, Uy, Uz, TopUx, TopUy, TopUz, Rx, Ry, Rz, TopRx, TopRy, TopRz in the same indices There are different results in different units in these tables. How was it found systematically? How can I find the Abbreviations List? Thanks.
Hi, 1. ) Indicates the total mass oscillating in the relevant degree of freedom in your system. (Total building mass for translational degrees of freedom, total rotational inertia for rotational degrees of freedom). 2.) Participation multipliers indicate the contribution of the respective mode to the corresponding degrees of freedom. Rather than the physical meaning, the ratio between each other is important. For example, if the UX participation factor of the 1st mode has the highest value, it can be roughly said that the translation movement in the X direction is dominant in that mode. In the final stage, the participation multiplier of each mod becomes important while the effects are found through modal combining. 3.) Modal mass is the square of the participation factor, modes with high modal mass can be more easily mobilized by earthquake. 4.) Modal mass participation rates are the ratio of the sum of the modal masses (TopUx,Uy,Uz,Rx,Ry,Rz) to the natural mass of the building, they are used to control the adequacy of the modal analysis. According to our regulation, the modal mass participation rate considered in the modal analysis is required to be more than 90% of the building mass, thus ensuring that a sufficient number of natural vibration modes are taken into account in the dynamic analysis. For more detailed information, I can recommend the book "Structural Dynamics, Earthquake Resistant Buildings - Author: İbrahim E. Stork"...