Hello, Regarding pencil thicknesses, for example, column curtain and beam scans are very dark despite using pencil thickness in blueprint. Even the curtain name is not read from the curtain scans. You can get the scan scale like 1.5 in the settings before the colon is applied. This will provide a less frequent scan. In addition, a color with a pen thickness of 0.2 can be selected for the scan color. In pattern plans, select a hatch and select all hatches with the "Select all" command using the right-click menu and enter their properties. You can make the scan settings as in the picture. We have a chance to set it from the IDE Layer, but the column and column scan come out as a single layer, so we cannot make the scan thin and the column line thick. There is a chance that these layers will separate. The same goes for the beam name and the beam line slab name and lines. Being able to close the beam or slab names from the layer in order to prepare the Reinforced and Unreinforced Plan with the beam name and beam line being a single layer saves us a lot of time. We detonate it in its current form and delete it one by one. You don't need to delete the posts one by one. The shortest way to delete element names in the floor reinforcement plan is; In the layer settings, turn off all layers, activate column, beam and panel layers only. Select a text and click Select all from the right-click menu and delete all the texts. The desire of the layers to leave is among our notes. Good work.