Although it is important that it provides the ratio of 1/7, it would be appropriate to model these types of objects as shells, so it would be useful to model them as curtains. If 25-175 would work as curtains, 25/170 would work as a column? What is 5cm up to now... is such a logic engineered? In TDY 1975, this ratio, see article 6.7.2. This ratio was 1/5, there were 20/100 sections. Although it would be more accurate to be 1/7, your ratio was 1/ I don't think 6.8 is too bad
When it comes to the curtain end region, why is the curtain end region placed, the purpose is ductility. Our regulation creates a high ductile curtain system under the name of normal ductile curtain. If you examine the regulations of other countries, a normal ductile curtain end region is not created and the reinforcement is not tightened. But TDY Turkey forces normal ductile curtains to be modeled as high ductile curtains because they know their practices and worker quality. I would create an n end region and I would have this end region connected in an L shape to work with the other curtain, that is, I would create a polygon curtain end region. This is how I do it where I do it, and it's an easy solution for the blacksmith. (the master also connects the end regions in L shape and puts them in place and connects the other part separately) Regulations give us a min. has set the conditions depending on experiences, experiments, etc. However, knowing why these conditions are set is the condition of engineering. If we know why those limits are set, we can set our own limits. good work