Number of Dynamic Account Mods


New Member
Hello friends. In my rib tiled system, which I am trying to solve, the report says the number of modes is insufficient, although I set the "number of mods taken into account" to 50 (fifty). I don't have a geometry error in my system, there is a small angle object warning because the building is diameter. what could be the reason? What would be the harm / benefit if I could increase the number of dynamic account mods and get a solution?
"sC.oUT":2r38nkcx" said:
hello guys. In my rib tiled system that I am trying to solve semi-rigid, the report says the number of modes is insufficient, even though I set the "number of mods taken into account" to 50 (fifty). there is a small angle object warning. What could be the reason? What harm would it do if I could increase the number of dynamic calculation mods and get a solution?
Hello, according to TDY 2007, the sum of the effective masses calculated for each mode is more than 90% of the building mass. Therefore, you need to increase the number of mods until enough. If you add the project, we can check if there is a problem with data entry, we can write a more accurate answer.
my friends file size is 46mb. I'm trying to upload to a site like wetrasnfer. thank you very much for your attention