Hello there; First of all, your structure is not a building type, and a garden wall is not counted. As you know, the garden wall height is less than 150 cm and does not require calculation. The structure you want to design is not a garden wall because it is higher than 150 cm, and it is not a ground support structure (retaining wall) because there is no soil around it. In addition to all these, it will be exposed to other loads (such as wind and earthquake) due to its height, and the most dangerous situation under these loads will be the overturning of the structure. Moreover, I think that there is no need to control the relative storey drift or second-order effects that we do in building-type structures for this structure, which does not carry any vertical load other than its own weight as a vertical load. As I mentioned above, you can control the tipping in this structure (you can do this very easily by hand), and you can do a displacement control similar to the retaining walls to control the horizontal displacement of the structure. I couldn't check your model because I don't have the demo version installed. Best regards. Sent via iPhone using Tapatalk