Mosque Minaret Modeling

Hello, you can model the minaret in ideCAD. The course and body part of the minaret can be modeled as curtains. In order to provide circularity in the body, the turn curvilinear objects to curtain command can be used or circularity can be achieved by throwing short short curtains. You can model the cone part of the minaret as steel. If you cannot model it as steel, you can transfer the cone load to the curtains as a vertical load.
Yes, the earthquake tipping control of the minaret is done automatically. For earthquake tipping control, it is necessary to define floors along the minaret. In the slabs entered, the floor self-load equal to the weight of the stairs should be defined along that height. Since there will not be a slab here, the slab height should be entered close to zero and a solution should be made with a semi-rigid diaphragm. Earthquake tipping moment report can be taken from the optional report.