More than one roof cross is drawn even though I entered 2


New Member
GOOD DAY , I am trying to draw the roof crosses with the multiple cross command in my project, but even though I entered 2, more than one roof cross is drawn and I could not find how to overcome this situation. I would appreciate it if you could help?
Re: More than one roof diagonal is drawn even though I enter 2 2. For the wind columns shown in the picture, I apply the unstabilized front plate 4-bolt joint, but it does not generate the report by showing the joint error warning in the design report. Why ?
Re: More than one roof cross is drawn even though I entered 2 Hello; First of all, in 8.62 version, if horizontal cross is defined after purlins, an error occurs. Therefore, delete all lovers from your model. Then enter your horizontal diagonals. The multiple cross command will work on your steel beams as many times as you enter without any geometry errors. Then you can enter your purlin and coating details again. For the joint, you should use the wind joint, which is included in the constructive joints for the wind column. The unstabilized 4-bolt joint is a moment-transmitting joint, and it is created between the column head and the beam's entire cross-section (forehead9 and the reports are suitable for this model. If you use the joints in different places, you cannot get the reports. However, in order to create a mathematical model suitable for your purpose, the 4-bolt joint with the Unstabilized Butt plate is a suitable is not a choice.