Hello, If you want to use the earthquake forces calculated by you instead of the earthquake forces calculated by the program; At first, parameters that will minimize the value of the spectrum must be entered in order to inactivate the automatic earthquake spectrum in the program. Then, in order to give the earthquake loads as external loads in the program, you need to define the earthquake loads one by one. Below is an example of how to define soil loading states and load combinations. Likewise, earthquake and wind loading conditions and necessary combinations should be introduced. 1- Definition of Loading Status After creating your static model, you should specify the soil load status to the program. For this, first analyze once. The program will define for you the loading conditions and combinations of vertical and seismic loadings. Then define the loading condition for the ground load. -> From the Ribbon menu -> Analysis and Design -> Loading -> Linear Static Analysis Status 2- Define Soil Load Combinations -> From the Ribbon menu -> Analysis and Design -> Combination -> Add New Combination from the drop-down menu. -> The Combination Settings dialog will appear. -> In this dialog, add three lines by saying Add New Line. -> Select the load cases as G', Q' and H from the drop-down list by clicking on the loading boxes of the rows one after the other. -> Double-click on the factor boxes of the rows with the left mouse button and enter the values 1.4, 1.6 and 1.6 respectively with the help of the keyboard. -> Check the Use in reinforced concrete design box at the bottom of the dialog to ensure that the cross-sectional effects of this combination are taken into account in the reinforcement calculations. When you press the OK button, you will have defined the 1.4G+1.6Q+1.6H load combination. Follow the same steps above and define the combination 0.9G+1.6H. 3-In the building tree->Loading Combinations->Reinforced Concrete Design Combinations->Double-click on the Reinforced Concrete Design Envelope->In the window that opens->Add New Line->Select the combination you created before from the opened line->Click OK. According to the above situation, wind and earthquake loading conditions can be defined and external loading can be applied to the columns as described below. You can determine the horizontal force and the moment you want to affect, by right-clicking on the column and selecting the add load option, according to the lines I have given below. Type: Check the defined load momentse moment, force if force option. Coordinate system: Specify whether the entered load values are relative to the element local axes or to the global axes. Direction: Provide information in which direction the load is valid. It shows the direction of the load relative to the 1, 2, 3 local coordinate axes, according to the X, Y, Z global coordinate system. G indicates that this load is a constant (vertical) load.