PERIOD VALUES ARE GOING TOO HIGH HOW CAN I SOLVE THE PROBLEM PERIOD 2.5 OF A 15-STOREY BUILDING IS GOING EMERGENCY HELP ONE BASIC G+Q LOADING VALUES 30 TF/M AVERAGE MEDICATION BECAUSE THE FILE IS LARGE, SUPPORT IDEYAPI OR MAIL I WAITING FOR YOU TO SOLVE IT EASY. It turns. Only 2 columns per 14 meters in the lower edge middle region. More columns are needed. Your structure has 6 beams of 25/50, the others are 32 beams and spans of 6 to 8 meters. The beam rigidities seem insufficient. Periods as the beam stiffness increases I attribute this to the fact that the periods are above 2. Look at the displacements of the modes in the 3D frame. melting is also higher under the curtains in the core region. It looks like those curtains are carrying the structure. You will also be sent a reply via email. Good work