New Member
Greetings to everyone, In normal reinforced concrete structures, our project is hollow block, that is, our beam height is 30 cm. According to my observations in several projects that I have heard and seen, men crossed 13 meters with a beam of 30 cm in height. They used beam dimensions of 30 cm and 120-130 cm or something. But even if the width is 120, as the beam height is 30 cm, shouldn't our length be 1/15 in the inner beams according to the regulation, since the beam height is 30 cm? I mean, I have projects where I exceed 7-8 meters with 30 cm, but 13 meters is a very large span... How can we operate such a beam without any problems, and on the basis of which directive is a project with such beams approved? I would like to thank you in advance for your help, especially if there is a friend who uses this type of beam and has his project approved... :?: :?: