Ladder moments


New Member
I entered data with translation and rotation prevented on the A side of the M2 ladder, but the moments were "0". I entered data to the ladder M3 so that it is free to translation and rotation, but it calculated a moment of 0.091 and 0.056 for that place. Shouldn't it be the other way around? Doesn't the fact that translation and rotation are prevented mean that there is a built-in support? Can you check one? Thanks
"sereze":2ffvpmpb" said:
I entered data with M2 ladder with translation and rotation prevented on A side, but moments came out as "0". I entered data on M3 ladder to be free for translation and rotation, but for that point, 0.091 and 0.056 Shouldn't it be the other way around?
Hi, The moments were not calculated due to a problem with the finite element meshes of the ladder. We have added the situation to our notes. Good work