ladder drawing


New Member
Good day, I want to create a ladder similar to the one in the picture. I could not find such a three-armed ladder from the templates available in idestatic. When I tried to do it myself with the route command, I encountered a problem that I could not solve. that is, after I made the first exit ladder in the middle, I also drew the landing that connects these three arms. I added the right arm ladder after the landing, the first exit ladder and the landing. Then when I try to add the left arm, it takes the jeans from where the right arm ladder ends. not from the landing. so the ladder on the left is suspended in the air. The ladder I'm trying to build looks like this 4-arm ladder. I couldn't delete the other arm that rose independently from the right and left arms due to the ladder deformation. I thank you in advance for your help.
Good work, we create the ladder macro that we have seen in the drawing and present it to you in the appendix. Put this macro in the relevant folder in the program and use it in your projects.