K01 name becomes BZA001 when drawing


New Member
Hello friends.. Column, beam, curtain and floor names are distorted when drawing in İdecad7 version. When I come to the plan, there are no problems. (Example: The beam that is K01 in the plan becomes "BZA001" when drawing; likewise, floors, columns and curtains) What do you think might be the cause of the problem?
Re: Naming problem when drawing Since there is more than one rigid diaphragm in the structure, this naming occurs. (Nomenclature of section A on the ground floor, nomenclature of section B)
Re: Naming problem while drawing Thank you Mr. Niyazi.. Well, I have another question. The project is dilated and the elevations are different on both sides of the dilatation. In this case, do you think it would be a problem to solve it in a single diaphragm? Also, what's the logic behind this?
Re: Naming problem while drawing
"huseyinakkus56":33lg2i8d" said:
The project is dilated and the ribs are different on both sides of the dilatation.. In this case, do you think it would be a problem to solve it in a single diaphragm? Also, what is the logic of this business? ?
Slab blocks work as different rigid diaphragms within themselves. If there is no physical connection between the slab masses, each slab mass must be resolved as a rigid diaphragm. Since your structure is dilated and moreover, there is a level difference in the slab blocks, there is no integrity between the slabs. Therefore, the structure cannot be solved as one rigid diaphragm.You have to define two different diaphragms.
Re: Naming problem while drawing Got it, Thank you very much Mr. Hakan. So how can I fix this naming problem if I make a solution with separate diaphragms?
Re: Naming problem while drawing
"huseyinakkus56":2scls3i4" said:
I got it, Thank you very much Hakan, How can I solve this naming problem if I solve it with separate diaphragms?
In my previous message As I wrote, you can edit the indices in the Floor Parameters as you wish.In the attached sample screenshot, different rigid diaphragms are given the same index.
Re: Naming problem while drawing
"HakanŞahin":22azdc1j" said:
"huseyinakkus56":22azdc1j" said:
I got it, Thank you very much Mr. Hakan. Well, how can I solve this naming problem if I make a solution with separate diaphragms?
As I wrote in my previous message, you can arrange the indices in the Floor Parameters as you wish. In the attached example screenshot, the same index is given to different rigid diaphragms.
Hello, I am using the latest version of the program, I could not find the index part in the floor parameters, I would be glad if you could help with this.
Re: Naming problem while drawing
"e.zrl":1kj7x8az" said:
[Hi, I'm using the latest version of the program, I couldn't find the index part in the floor parameters, I would appreciate it if you could help me.
Hello, In the latest version 8.62, floor indices are in Floor General Settings.
Re: Naming problem while drawing Hello again.. In v10.03 I want to have the structure analyzed as two different apertures, where can I do this? There is dilatation in the structure and the system works as two different blocks.
Re: Naming problem while drawing
"huseyinakkus56":3rzfjkdo" said:
Hello again.. I want to have the structure analyzed as two different diaphragms in v10.03, where can I do this? There is dilatation in the structure, two different blocks The system works as.
Hello, The program automatically detects the rigid diaphragms in dilated structures. .
Re: Naming problem when drawing I mean a large structure is separated by dilatation. I want to solve them as two different diaphragms. While analyzing, I did not see an option as "solve as two different diaphragms". I want to do this myself. Let me ask you first: Do you mind if I solve this as a single diaphragm? If so, how can I solve it as two diaphragms?
Re: Naming problem when drawing
"huseyinakkus56":2585asqk" said:
I mean, a large structure is separated by dilatation. I want to solve them as two different diaphragms. When analyzing, I say "solve as two different diaphragms" I did not come across an option. I want to do this myself. Let me ask you beforehand: Is it okay to solve this as a single diaphragm? If so, how can I solve it as two diaphragms?
Since version 8, rigid diaphragms are automatically detected in dilated structures and no warning is given. You can see the rigid diaphragms as in the picture I added in the previous message from the analysis model. If there is not more than one rigid diaphragm in your system, if you add your project, we will review it.
Re: Naming problem while drawing
"huseyinakkus56":1k1iy9oi" said:
Levent, can you also solve the stairs on the right side of the project together with the building? https://we.tl/t-OzptWEwwn9]https://we.tl/t-OzptWEwwn9[/url]
In the project you added, there is dilatation in 14-15 axis and both rigid diaphragms are correctly fixed on all floors. Stair supports need to be arranged according to the solution conditions together with the structure.
Re: Naming problem while drawing Mr. Levent, my last problem has been solved. I came across such a situation when I did a ladder analysis. It was fixed after analysis.